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Mission in North Yate

Nearly two years ago I joined the Parish team to work in mission in the new estate in North Yate. Eighteen months later the first residents of the new estate moved into their new homes. So what has been going on in North Yate?

We have established a small team to work on four main

projects centred on the new estate.

¨ We welcome new residents to their homes with a welcome pack (in partnership with the local council and other community groups).

¨ Over the spring and summer we have held reflective

¨ prayer walks around the park and new estate twice a month. This has recently changed to a winter format of Pint for Pilgrims.

¨ We have begun a series of Saturday-morning community bike rides round Yate.

¨ We are working to build good relationships with institutions such as the council, Friends of Brimsham Park and Yate Boxing Club.

The reflective walks have been a real joy as we worship God in the outdoors and reflect on the bible while surrounded by his creation. We have also enjoyed the cakes at a picnic held after each walk.

Now with the winter coming we meet in a home and begin the Pilgrim course on the Lord’s prayer, then reflect on the bible as we walk to the Brimsham pub, where we continue our bible study.

For this season we have also re-designed the welcome packs with Remembrance in mind. Each street in the new estate is named after a soldier who died in world war one. Within the welcome pack we give a short biography of the soldier and invite the residents to the remembrance service in November.

Please pray for this work of outreach to our new neighbours and the spirit of welcome and friendship we seek to share with them.

Hywel Snook Associate minister

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