Prayer and Share
Starting next week (Mon 29th June) we are not only opening St Nix, St Mary's, and St James' for private prayer. We will also be offering a Prayer and Share opportunity. At the times listed below the churches will be open and a person will be present to listen and pray with you in Church
These last few months have been really tough on everyone and having a listening ear can really help. Please let people know about this service as it is open to the whole community and a great opportunity to make Jesus Visible.
St Mary's
Church open for Private Prayer 10am - 4pm Monday to Thursday
Prayer and Share 2pm - 4pm Monday to Thursday
St James'
Church open for Private Prayer 10 am - 4pm Monday to Friday
Prayer and Share 2pm - 4pm Monday to Friday
St Nix
Church open for Private Prayer and Prayer and Share
Wednesday 10am - 12pm