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What's happening in Fromeside in Holy Week?

Here are all the details of the services happening over in Fromeside this Holy week. Below is an email from Malcolm letting us know what services are available.

Dear Friends

I Hope this message finds you all well and safe. I am writing to inform you of all that is available for each of you, as we walk together through the Passion of our Lord this Holy Week.

Please do join us for our worship on Palm Sunday at 11am, if you can please have your Palm Cross to hand, link on the website is: (Last Sunday we estimate that over 275 people joined us for worship which was truly amazing, thank you for being with us.)

During Holy Week Morning and Evening prayer will be said by the Ministry Team every day at 9am and 4.30pm, please join them if you wish, check the resources page for morning and evening prayer, the link is under Daily Prayer form the Church of England:

A number of podcasts and resources will also be published on the resources page during the week so do please try and catch them.

On Maundy Thursday the Ministry team are going to keep a candlelit vigil from 8pm to midnight in their homes. Please do join them for half an hour between these times so we can keep the watch together, by lighting a candle in a quiet room and spending the time reflecting on all Jesus that has done for us and praying for the needs of the world in this current crisis.

On Good Friday we ask that you all join together at 2.30pm in reading the Passion of our Lord from John's Gospel chapters 18 & 19 (or you can listen to Fr Bob Latham reading it on the resources page of the website if you prefer). After you have done this we would ask that you keep a time of silent prayer until 3pm and conclude by saying the Lord’s Prayer. It will be really lovely if we can do this all together at the same time on this most Holy day.

Online you will find a number of versions of the stations of the cross which you may wish to pray through at some point during the week. Can I encourage you to use the images painted by a dear friend of mine to help you in this reflection, they focus particularly on Jesus hands which at this time of constant hand washing seems quite poignant, you can access these on our website or through the following link:

We will be sharing a service on Easter Sunday at 11am on our Website and Facebook pages, so please do join us for this great celebration of our faith!

Bishop Viv will be recording the following:

· Maundy Thursday service – streamed at 10.30 as live on the Cathedral's Facebook and YouTube.

· Easter Sunday service - streamed at 10am as live from the Cathedral’s Facebook and YouTube.

More details will be available from Wednesday on our Website for these two services

Please all take care and rest assured of my constant prayers for you.

God Bless

Fr Malcolm (Rector of Fromeside)



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